Tuesday, April 24, 2012

MTA JTT Summer Schedule

8 Under and 10 Under will still be on Friday nights at 5:30 and 7:00.

IF we have players that want to play in the State JTT Tournament, we will schedule them all at the same time so that they can play and practice for the tournament together. 8 Under State Tournament teams need to have 3 players (any gender). 10 Under State Tournament teams need to have 3-4 boys and 3-4 girls. Teams only have to play in 3 JTT matches in our summer league to qualify for the State JTT Tournament.

12 Under, 14 Under, and 18 Under matches could be on Thursdays 5:30 and 7:00, Fridays 5:30 and 7:00, Saturdays 11:00, 12:30, and 2:00 or Sundays 1:30 and 3:00.

If players need to miss matches due to vacations/tournaments/etc, it's not a problem. Players that are on "tournament" teams only need to play in 3 JTT summer league matches in order to qualify for the tournament.

Also, it is possible for 2 teams to get together and play their matches on other days/times and other locations. As long as both captains and the players agree, it is fine to change the time and/or place of the matches.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Summer Jr Team Tennis

Registration is open for our Summer JTT Program at Old Fort Park. 8 Under and 10 Under groups will play at 5:30 and 7:00 on Friday nights in June. The cost for the Friday night group is $25 for 4 weeks. 12 Under, 14 Under, and 18 Under groups will play at 5:30 and 7:00 on Thursday nights in June and July. The cost for the Thursday night group is $35 for 6 weeks. Players can register individually or as members of pre-made teams. For more information, please email boroteamtennis@gmail.com

Here is the information to register:

If your player is not already a USTA member, they will need to join to participate in JTT. The USTA is offering free 1 year 10 and under memberships. For more information, go to:


If the player is 11 or older and needs to join the USTA, they can do so at:


The link to register for JTT is:


If you have any questions, please email boroteamtennis@gmail.com

Our Summer JTT Season is sponsored by:

Benchmark Plumbing, Inc. 615-904-0077
Classic Travel Connection 615-410-1847
Edmondson, Betzler & Montgomery CPA's 615-916-3111 http://www.ebmpllc.com/
Miss Erin's Piano Studio 615-225-7637 http://misserinspianostudio.com/
Murfreesboro Anesthesia Group

We appreciate our sponsors!